Case Study: Goldstein, Goldstein, Hilley & Orr
From July 2016 to July 2018 the traffic to increased from 2397 visitors per month to 4394 visitors per month.
From July 2016 to July 2018 the amount of leads generated via the email contact forms on increased from 38 per month to 79 per month. This metric does not include the leads generated via phone calls.
From January 2017 through July 2018, we have been tracking 400 keyword phrases that we have determined to be the most valuable to the campaign. The website’s total visibility index is an average of 36.2% for July, 2018.
The visibility index is based on click-through rate (CTR) that shows a website’s progress in Google’s top 100 for keywords from the current tracking campaign. A zero-percent visibility means that the domain isn’t ranking in Google’s top 100 results for any of these keywords; and a 100-percent visibility means that the domain keeps the first position in the SERP for all of these keywords.
Compared to the next 5 competitor websites, which are currently at 12.7%, 8.6%, 6.7% and 4.7% for the same set of 400 keywords during the same timeframe,’s 36.2% visibility index is a measurable that shows that the organic SEO campaign is completely dominating the market.
The keywords are chosen based on the practice-area specific pages on the website. These pages were created to target multiple variations of very important keyword phrases directly relating to the law firm’s desired practice areas. The website currently has 130 practice area pages, targeting countless keyword phrases, out of which 400 are being tracked. These tracked keywords were chosen as the most valuable search terms for the law firm’s practice.
Out of the 400 keywords being tracked, the website ranks in the top 3 positions for 188 of them, the top 10 (first page) positions for 363 of them, the top 20 for 393 of them, and in the top 88 for all 400 of them. Additionally, the search result link is in the “local pack” for 121 of them. The Home page is the page that shows up for 146 of them, while an interior page shows up for the other 254 keywords. A total of 92 different pages show up for the tracked keyword phrases.